about Asvitloaten

OLS master L4  teacher Asvitloaten
13.07 Light Days old

onelightsystem OLS Founder CEO
Nazar Pankiv

onelightsystem 2678.OLS

onelightsystem 2497.OLS


I am an OLS Meditation master teacher asvitloaten I am 12.88 Light Days old.  

Since 04/2017 I did Invented and established onelightsystem OLS that allows me to meditate everyday and accumulating Light energy as a living source.

... through continues developings process in 2018 I did founded onelightsystem OLS LLC  meditation academy teachings services to the Public.  the 1st Light Year it was a free coast to begin through served more than 70  students locally and internationally

onelightsystem OLS is a meditation teachings receiving(saving) direct and seeing OLSM light energy modality.

to the OLS student  

11/2017 applied for world record 200 days receiving everyday direct Light with 9779 Light minutes all statistics data publicly available OLS data center. 

Begin You Preparation everyday is an opportunity to get some Light and build up the Light body ! Currently it is the process for assesment enrollment tuition fees to become the OLS student.  Recieve your asseement official @mail from intro@ols-med.net take care 50% fees and we will sheddule the next availible  OLS intro. Everyday is an opportunity..


our most important policy - safety first that's why I'm taking my responsibility carefully for every OLS student in OneLightSystem OLS®© transparently students activities avalible to the public 

onelightsystem OLS iee.aeo departments


OLSLM distribution ico1 now available to the the general public to obtain OLSLM assets equity www.olsme.com/register


publication activities, public local relations , goverment state and federal counsaltings 


when achived 15000 Light minutes was granted a new name title  Asvitloaten

asvitloaten  performing Live streams series presentations


OLS 5 years
branch location announcement 06


New location Egypt red sea

New record ! 


Youtube  instagram   facebook  upwork   twitter   Linkedin    crunchbase 
onelightsystem OLS Meditation aste eae.L4 asvitloaten

01556717755 Red Sea Egypt

from Ukraine

asvitloaten mediation teacher was born to the city Ternopil in Ukraine (Nazar Pankiv) Where attended and graduated from high school N 15 (most interest was in sport (swimming special school, soccer and chess) attended Ternopil Academy of the National Economy TNEU 2001-05. in 2004-05 was attending an "Orange revolution" in Kiyv a social resistance movement.

onelightsystem 2325.OLS


I am an OLS Meditation master teacher asvitloaten I am 12.28 Light Days old.  

Since 04/2017 I did Invented and established onelightsystem OLS that allows me to meditate everyday and accumulating Light energy as a living source.

... through continues developings process in 2018 I did founded onelightsystem OLS LLC  meditation academy teachings services to the Public.  the 1st Light Year it was a free coast to begin through served more than 70  students locally and internationally

onelightsystem OLS is a meditation teachings receiving(saving) direct and seeing OLSM light energy modality.

to the OLS student  

11/2017 applied for world record 200 days receiving everyday direct Light with 9779 Light minutes all statistics data publicly available OLS data center. 

Begin You Preparation everyday is an opportunity to get some Light and build up the Light body ! Currently it is the process for assesment enrollment tuition fees to become the OLS student.  Recieve your asseement official @mail from intro@ols-med.net take care 50% fees and we will sheddule the next availible  OLS intro. Everyday is an opportunity..


our most important policy - safety first that's why I'm taking my responsibility carefully for every OLS student in OneLightSystem OLS®© transparently students activities avalible to the public 

onelightsystem OLS iee.aeo departments


OLSLM distribution ico1 now available to the the general public to obtain OLSLM assets equity www.olsme.com/register


publication activities, public local relations , goverment state and federal counsaltings 


when achived 15000 Light minutes was granted a new name title  Asvitloaten

asvitloaten  performing Live streams series presentations


OLS 5 years

branch location announcement 06


Q1 new Location 

Youtube  instagram   facebook  twitter   Linkedin   crunchbase 
onelightsystem OLS Meditation aste eae.L4 asvitloaten

+16507321517  Richmond CA USA

 In 05/2005 arrived to the Chicago USA to travel and work. while Living in the Chicago Ukrainian village community did studying esl in Truman College and as well driving professionally as a public chauffeur in yellow cab. in 2012 Nazar became healing modality specialist and in 12/22 visited Mount shasta California where decide to move for spiritual exploration to find our the truth. in 03/2013 offering healing sessions*(2) in Chicago IL Nazar established online healing portal also known as nazar-kosmo.com as been initiated by spiritual colleagues for constant spiritual devotions. 08/07 Nazar was a speaker at TheTRUTH radio show *(7)

in 2014 Nazar lunched and stands to protect and restore Environmental issues in the state of California. 05/28/2015 attended 

Mount shasta city council meeting and made the comment* (6) 2015

2016 Nazar moved to the Sacramento capital where he was attending in person numerous meetings and special events. 

04/2017 Nazar present it the meditation classes 1 and 2 series in the Foster city library* (8)

2018 Nazar becoming using well know application seeclickfix.com (10)  to submit and report local issues directly to the gov. officials.  Since 2016 Nazar was already participating in Watching Water issues and acting on it (submitting recommendations and each violation to the EPA wile dry season and beyond to save Environment). Through the experience he realized than understaning and grasping the reality better by doing daily meditaion and focused to offer recomendations to the board of Education 12Public Recommendation15 waterboards.ca.gov 9-24-18 

2019  Began leading  the Web developers to maintain web platfrom  growing community at olsme.com owned and operated by onelightsystem OLS Nazar Pankiv founder CEO meditation master teacher nazarasvitlo

Lunching  Public Enlightenment series 14

2021 ----3401

06/14 has attended the Mt. Shasta City Council Regular Meeting and comment page 4  recommendation 13

06/15 recommendation21 to the CA SWRC state water board meeting

1522. OLSLM new record

09/22 calendar update 1615 OLS 4.2
12/15 OLSLM updates
12/16 OLS e-letter annual subscription




2023 ----3403

2290. new record settled

Agypten History Reasearch and Analysis

new location branch Egypt Red Sea established 


Taiwan Visitation Recomendation to the Taiwan Goverment  

2024 ----3404

Developing next 10 year plan 3404-3414


sends letter to the French president

Niederlassung Deutschland München
 Settling new planet record 18823 LM 313.72 LH  13.07 LD

1183 OLS presentation