OLS administration
OLS administration
by OLS iee.aeo CEO
OLS aunselo & iense (aeo.iee)
OLS aunselo (aeo)
OLS iense (iee)
OLS aste. eae
OLS teacher (eae)
OLS developer IT admin
OLS inu.ini
OLS ini official
OLS inuo official
onelightsystem OLS
OLS* aste (min. 369 LD)
OLS* founder / ceo (employee1, executive10-77 Nazar Pankiv) administration
OLS* amba. (employee1, executive6-9 AEA) continental relations
OLS iee.aeo + OLS inu.ini min. 55% OLS LM
OLS* iee.aeo (employee1, executives3-6 IEE.AEO) analysis/implement
OLS* inves. 21.3(board (closed session) non-executives access, % benefits OLSM)
OLS* aunselo (employee, non-executive3 AEO, (board (closed session)
OLS* iense. (employee, iense data, light, aqua, non-executive3 IEE ), (board (closed session)
OLS* teacher (eae) & OLS developer IT admin. (board access, non-executives, on closed sessions)
OLS* inu.ini instructor (free employee, non-executive, board meeting )
OLS* student (non-employee free* access status updates voluntarily in between once (1-9),OLSM level 2 )
OLS student INITI. to OLS instructor INTRO.
OLS instructo INITI. to OLS teacher INTRO.
OLS employee:
min. qualifi. 100LD / OLS official
OLS iense INTRO. + INITI (graduate science) min. qualifi.: 144LD
OLS aunselo INTRO. + INITI (graduate counseling) min. qualifi.: 180LD
OLS iee.aeo (min. qualifi.300LD)
OLS amba (min. 330LD)
OLS aste INTRO. + INITI (graduate meditation master)min qualifi.: 369LD