OLS migrating into
onelightsystem OLS Meditation Academy
scientific research department OLS iense
implementive counselor OLS aunselo
OLS iee.aeo Department administration are responsible for
OLS student OLS inuo OLS eae , fees updates
OLSLM assets management
OLSME subscription
other OLS services
OLS iee.aeo
iense & aunselo providing supportive service's (analytics - research - solutions) for the communities and ruling bodies.
OLS iee. iense. is focusing through processes Light assets within OLSLM for current planetarian into specific locale vibrations to:
responded analytical analysis and identify a research process prepare to OLS aeo. for implementation:
Local environmental scientific research on (aqua, sound, light) eco-scientific reports
inquiries from State ruling responsible departments
structured OLS data center analytical data analysis
Developing your IEF inner equity formation (OLS student) Light science.
OLSLM (personal illumination)Lifespan Longevity reaserch and implementations !
Light research department labs. (opening soon)
Communication Improvements group (revision provided in progress 10.2018)
Architecture and design to re-design Living Places
Farming Science Agriculture (since 2021)
1847. Venus Lending Mission Program Development (2022)
Global updates reaesrch
onelightsyetm OLS aeo aunselo
implementing OLS iense solutives recommendations
counseling/advisings state governmental responsible bodies and their representatives
providing OLSME trainings for corporations
Verifying-test data into validation with @OLS data center.
OLS iense concluded report (Light Science) on/through receiving direct Light practice (active meditations)
developed initiated OLS* teachings through data application system
to process and accumulate inner equity IEF.
local and federal Light Reforms
1255.OLS iee.aeo nazarasvitlo
Presenting architecture and design OLS Campu.Service towers draft001
OLS iense (Light science architecture campuses)
OLS* iense (executive4 architecture, nazara.svitlo)
OLS iee.aeo Nazar Pankiv