2802.OLS prospect student

General 2025Q1. Fees tuition

  2802.onelightsystem OLS iee.aeo Asvitloaten

2802.Q1update   Clarifications q/a:

current effective period.Q1  
  12/20/24   ------  12/3/25

next upcoming update Q2/3405

2802.OLS student
OLS intro and initi tuition 1 time fee

2802.OLS iee.aeo announcement 

**General fees
"prospect can apply and get general fees when requesting expedite processing, otherwise evaluation will indicate more accurate equivalent"

*Tuition Payment consist in 2 payments
intro pre-payment 50%
initial pre-payment 50%

*** Tuition Payment is considering for 2 years entire education,
renewal fees is determining by the OLS data

*General fees: (28 years old middle class)

United states of the America:  15000 USD avarage  

41000 TWD** (discounted evaluation because OLS inuo Taiwan citizen)

31000 UAH *for Ukrainian citizen who lives in Ukraine, @mail evaluation  location, status

We offer varieties perks and extra credits discount

OLS intro OLS initi tuition fees more Discounts Available:

(1st, 2nd, 3rd) student from new location receiving Top additional discount !

OLS intro and initi service tuition fees payment for entire* education being an OLS student (after each year student going through refreshment and is not requiring if the student has top results and can waive it)  

OPTIONALLY AVAILABLE once a year a group re-refreshment a donation fees average recommended is 10% from original tuition.

the conditions are subject to change but if the student received certain condition and became OLS student under OLS (nda) agreement.

the rest of the countries evaluation need it, for the accurate fees value. apply 

(General  -- Based -- Current)  Value Fees:

OLS student prospect can select to purchase "fast on-boarding"  General  / based / current pre-evaluated value

*the value determining by the current conditions (Global activities and the amount of the active students) and updating every Q. 

** the current/based/general value based on General USA middle class age individual apply for your free2024 personal evaluation value by registering www.olsme.com/olssregister also you can qualify for the credits promo. after verification you will get the official on-boarding email from intro@ols-med.net

OLS student support*

after becoming OLS student you will receive free/fee** support from Asvitloaten 

*support during active OLS student always free
but (first come first reserved during business hours) depends on amount of requests.
Optionally available a private consultation for a recommended 10% donation from tuition fee.

Important to know
everything is transparent
it is no hidden payments
from OLS eae teacher  OLS inuo (instructo)
if someone charging you for something
you should report to the administration

OLS prospect student

Generally anyone can apply (see other ages and parenthood.)

3. pre-payment

OLS intro service fees 50% payment

4. scheduling OLS intro
5. OLS intro call session
OLS prospect student

6. pre-payment
OLS initi service fees 50% payment

7. scheduling OLS initi 

8.OLS initi
9. OLS student 

onelightsystem OLS

  2118.OLS iee.aeo
OLS promoter

  2802.OLS iee.aeo asvitloaten

onelightsystem OLS CEO Nazar Pankiv