®©private privacy disclosure updates 12/2023

OLS student (Enrollment process)

onelightsystem OLS

2404.OLS iee.aeo 

OLS Meditation Academy

 from OLS student

 to graduate master OLS aste

 OLS service fees evaluation submission Application

OLS INTRO ®© available exclusively ONLY from official

  OLS inuo   instructo
  OLS eae  teache

1. OLS intro OLS initi

2. Prospect will receive OLS service evaluated value

3. OLS intro 50% payment

4. Scheduling OLS intro

OLS intro

5. OLS initi payment
NDA (non-disclosure agreement)

6. Scheduling OLS initi
OLS initi 

OLS initi final possible desireble call

Application Evaluation Tuition Fees when non-response period 9day 30day

onelightsystem OLS ceo | cto Guarantees not to share the personal prospect information to any 3rd parties agencies (OLS data privacy protection) 

OLS  APPLICATION process for evaluation to receive OLS INTRO. & OLS INITI.

submit OLS application, receive OLS Intro and OLS initi

OLSM Meditation teachings ®©  developed and founded by Nazar Pankiv official/legal name (OLS official/next name) NazarAsvitlo nazarasvitlo Asvitloaten

OLS student opportunities

OLS inuo
OLS eae teache
OLS iee.aeo 

OLS intro OLS initi service fees

Evaluation Service fees:
- OLS intro & OLS initi payments
- Passive fees
- Past initiated re-installment

OLS student Evaluation Service in 2024 is free 

OLS intro &  OLS initi payments

Passive fees:

Past-Initiated fees:

OLS student support

OLS student has personal dedicated support

by your selected OLS inuo or OLS eae 

OLS student will be able to watch LIVE OLSLM meditation video exclusively

OLS student support fees

 and procedure determining by your selected OLS inuo or OLS eae 

OLS student call or/and text support service fees by OLS aste eae Asvitloaten is:

onelightsystem OLS no-disclosure agreement NDA

OLS Data policy sharing : 

before OLS initi OLS student needs to review and agree on NDA.
the OLS student can share visual practice [Not teachings data] picture can have the visual practice but prohibits Teachings description if unless happens the user can be banned, (penalty degree equals OLS intro value + calculations will be made by OLS iee.aeo and/or temporary removed from the OLS  and/or with private privacy conditions ) 

copyright notice to inform  that onelightsystem OLS meditation education is copyrighted, onelightsystem OLS (LLC) owns that copyright,  under those terms is the present copy being made available.

OLS student prohibits sharing OLS data teachings®© (as a form of description, voice memos, video's or verbally to anyone and anywhere)  by means talking, discussing about it, sharing on personal blog, social media etc. Until becomes OLS inuo.  and ONLY when will receive  the official request for OLS Intro for a new prospective student.

OLS student can refer anyone to official E-administartion to become OLS student 

OLS inuo. only can give Intro's to the new prospective students during official OLS intro. scheduled 

OLS  eae officially can give OLS intro and Initi to the prospective students when officially scheduled 

OLS student (statute)

onelightsystem OLS is a meditation teachings®©  receiving(saving) direct with (seeing OLSM ®©) light energy modality developing (human Technology HT) and saving LM by Technique®© in OLSystem®© platform 

The information contained in this message may be privileged , confidential and protected from disclosure. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of onelightsystem OLS information is strictly prohibited. 

this Agreement governs your use of OLS's services, through with you can apply to receive OLS services and become OLS official student

OLS student activity

OLS student activity

Active, passive, past initiated,  cancelation to deletion

OLS student becomes Passive after 9 days |no activity status|

OLS student becomes Past Initiated after 30 days being passive

OLS student can cancel student account any time automatically becomes past initiated.

OLS student active

all OLS students to remain in active status must enter into OLS data center

1-9 OLSLM or OLSM 

during 9 days period to Perform 1 OLSM or to receive OLSLM in safe hours approved by your official and entered into OLS data center,

-----  if received OLSLM in not safe hours can be processed to the OLS student lightblockchain log. counts as activity for OLS student activity but OLS is not responsible for student well being it is will be is a student choice ) 

1-30 OLSM for OLS eae 

during 30 days period to perform 1 OLSM even if received OLSLM

OLSME not counts for new student activity statuses 

deactivation request:

new OLS student and OLS student is defines accordingly by the timeline in OLS data center 

OLS student category II becomes after completed active 1year cycle

OLS student can cancel OLS illumination account anytime automatically will be changed into Past-Initiated

After Canceled it can be deleted immediately and the data will be remain in OLS data center in archive area after the notice for deletion will be created

OLS student (protocol)

onelightsystem OLS teachings®© 

Receiving direct Light 

OLS main Rule is SAFETY. The Sun energy is Very Powerful ! Be caution even in the safe hours recommendations you will receive from your OLS inuo  OLS eae 

101.Safety First 

 USING our Services: 

This information is given strictly for educational purposes and In no way should the information on this website be considered a substitute for competent medical care by your physician or other healthcare professional.

Receiving Direct ®© Light OLS iee. aeo. OLSLM disclosure

Saving own Light OLSLM 

- transparent validation Light minutes OLSLM into OLS data center 

 or a statement of truthfulness acknowledgment before submitting to the OLS data®© center 

OLSLM (light minute)  

 I am herby acknowledging truthfulness of my LightMinutes, my unique practice was completely pleasant and enjoyable to my all beingness  (initials) ____  


onelightsystem meditation practice OLSM1minute, OLSM2minute, OLSM3minute, OLSM4minute, OLSM

- new INITI to qualify for the next level upgrade. INITI


OLS eae

OLS student opportunities

OLS student INTRO & INITI  to OLS inuo (instructor) 

OLS inuo INTRO & INITI to OLS eae (teacher)

Science and Counseling

OLS student qualification for OLS inuo

OLS inuo. (official instructor), can give OLS intro to OLS prospective students and OLS initi with OLS eae assistance,  can teach OLS student who applied through registration process and finish OLS initi

OLS inuo. minimum qualifications:

OLS intro & initi service fees is dedicated to the location GDP 

OLS inuo qualification for OLS eae

OLS eae. (official teacher), can teach OLS student  an OLS inuo. ,  be able to give OLS intro and initi to a prospective students, OLS inuo who applied through registration process

OLS eae qualifications:

OLS intro & initi service fees is dedicated to the location GDP

805.2404.OLS iee.aeo. OLS aste. eae
