onelightsystem meditative energy
®© private privacy disclosure updates 12/14/2023onelightsystem OLS
OLS iee.aeo developed olsme platform 0n 9/2018 , beta version 1180.olsme ready to use register - verify to subscribe to use (proof of Light.time/acumulation) Personalized OLS Blockchain running on OLSystemMeditation routine engine OneLightSM , OLSME subscriber connecting in an spesific time frame with OLSM routined meditation into growing attuning self-developing discipline memory with relaxing period to be able to rest it and to reach what it desiring during much more.
onelightsystem OLS Meditation academy
OLS iee.aeo invented OLSME for development unifying humanity IEF(inner energy formation) by synchronizing with OLSMeditation -- OLSME subscriber will be able to expand more deeper, connect more stronger each session time
register at https://www.olsme.com/olsmeregister
verify your identity at olsme.com/profile
review this and sign NDA (non-disclosure agreement)
Subscribe to Service
who can apply
general public verified user
corporates packages
governmental trainings
(signup fees based on assessment data: payment packages starts with 1LYear see service and after possible for 30 days renewal fees chart 2020 )
Become using olsme (get olsme.time.frame to connect)
"collect olsme" (Record your session) if you know what is the olsme.time.frame today than you could perfom anywhere and after to record your session into olsme.com/stats
how many olsme you getting determines your benefit
onelightsystem OLS
OLS.iense (analytics) <> OLSM(driver)>OLSME(passenger)
Private/Public Verified portfolio
proof of Inner Assets Formation (after submiting OLSME event into olsme.com/stat)
Develop Next Abilities (inner calibration based on OLSM algorithms)
OLSME user's Rest + Energy Accumulation (during OLSM)
Natural Coherent Energy Synchronization (personal energy management)
OLSME sessions as a preparation and a formation of the IEF (inner equity formation OLS student)
OLSME real natural data accumulation assets program allows user to develop an automatic Ai amount of energy over the time:
First Ever Live Natural Collective Field along(#Light.Age) vs (artificial internet) Digital / Continuously real-time(ratio's+/-) updates platform Available to provide an OLSME service for Verified user .
OLSME user will be able to buy OLSLM equity
when to use it , what to use it, how to use it:
OLSME user subscriber registration fees assessment evaluation process
OLSME new registered user will [1179.OLS edits] receive email intro@ols-med.net evaluated monthly fees based on age, location and GDP, through olsme.com developings the user will be able to see the assesment right after registration.
OLSME user collects OLSME's it can be redeemed:
to apply to become OLS student intro & initi
and re-activations fees
if user doesn't generates any OLSME's during 30 days period the user will receive the email notification.
if user doesn't generates any OLSME's during 60 days period the user will receive the email notification plus convinience fees 10% from monthly fees. will be added into the balance to apply before renewal day.
Active to passive, deactivation requests, past initiated, cancelation to deletion
OLSME user can deactivate anytime by submitting deactivation request valid 30 days
re-activation 5% fees (applied , drop it - to apply again)
cancelation to deletion
OLSME user can cancel account any time (if OLSME users collects amount of OLSME's on account it will be remains for 30 days in case re-activation or request to hold 1 year up with service fee's 10% from monthly payment)
refund not availible, the left over can be credited into OLS services only (OLS students fees, OLSLM assets)
1180.OLS iee.aeo
Nazar Asvitlo