OLSLM assets
OLS.1759 Available 2.84%
®© private privacy disclosure updates 01/2021
onelightsystem OLS
1759.1639.1364.1295.1259.1153.962.934.906.786.OLS iee.aeoOLSLM A. (Available assets)onelightsystem OLS Light Minute
is an official trade mark and individual equity value distribution processed and recognize only on OLS platform
Limited total supply
1.new OLSLM asset user can have free account when obtaining (making at least 1 transaction any categories+ ) OLSLM assets during 30 days period.
2.new user just OLS promoter running on manual service info@ols-med.net until development completed when user registering through OLSLM assets needs to comunicate with info@ols-med.net
any OLS user can obtain availible OLSLM assets to:
buy and use
use and trade
OLSLM assets distribution
OLS1-9LM (value categories)
trade asset secured encrypted transfer validation certificate
personalized inner equity selection possible <10 OLSLM
OLSLM light body field usage manual
availible OLSLM assets
Entrepreneur Advantage Pioneer
INNER VALUE wallet ""light body"
Block chain transparent security
OLSLM categories assets ownership Transfer
962.OLS iee.aeo OLSLM categories
OLS data analysis trend reports
OLSLM assets a. available pool (inner market)
OLS1-9LM categories options packages:
OLSLM levels transfers:
<1 OLSLM or up to 1000$
ownership value trade certificate
<10 OLSLM assets transfer process
reserve the amount value , review agreements , recieve personal voucher preparation
<100 OLSLM assets transfer process
personal support, owner manual usage*
ability to gain extra energy
Overall Receiver Benefits
value assets and Light body filled formation
OLSLM assets withdrawals and deposits
new OLSLM asset user can have free account when obtaining (making 1 transaction any categories + ) OLSLM assets during 30 days period
* to trade to outside of the OLS market place the owner of the assets sends request to withdrawal / deposit and will receive the "current" value of the OLSLM : categories , time (periods) certificate valid transfer
** OLSLM Energy assets how to use* it when min. amount 366 obtained .
*** annual 10% usage recalibartion if not an OLS student , 5% usage recalibartion when remain olsme user.
1759.OLS iee.aeo | CEO
Nazar Pankiv